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Goodenough, A.E., Sparkes, E.G., Dawson, M., MacTavish, L. and Hart, A.G., 2022. Response of southern African ungulate species to supplementary feeding during drought: Species‐specific differences in relative use, food choice and intraspecific behavioural interactions. African Journal of Ecology.

Hart, A.G., Dawson, M., Fourie, R., MacTavish, L. and Goodenough, A.E., 2022. Comparing the effectiveness of camera trapping, driven transects and ad hoc records for surveying nocturnal mammals against a known species assemblage. Community Ecology, pp.1-13.

Docherty, T.D., Hethcoat, M.G., MacTavish, L.M., MacTavish, D., Dell, S., Stephens, P.A. and Willis, S.G., 2020. Burning savanna for avian species richness and functional diversity. Ecological Applications, p.e02091.


Hart, A.G., Carpenter, W.S., McTavish, L., Blades, B., Clarke, E., Griffiths, S., Harding, N., Walsh, E., Wilson, L. and Goodenough, A.E., 2020. Evaluating veld condition index: How many samples are enough?. African Journal of Ecology.


Chapman, L., 2019. Ownership and Poaching of Rhinos on Private Land in South Africa (Doctoral dissertation, University of York).


Docherty, T.D., 2019. The influence of fire on savanna fauna: implications for conservation management (Doctoral dissertation, Durham University).


Penny S., 2019. The impact of dehorning on the white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) and the evaluation of novel anti-poaching tactics. (Doctoral thesis. University of Brighton)


Penny, S.G., White, R.L., Scott, D.M., MacTavish, L. and Pernetta, A.P., 2019. Using drones and sirens to elicit avoidance behaviour in white rhinoceros as an anti-poaching tactic. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 286(1907), p.20191135.


Walkden, N., 2019. Attitudes toward vertebrate scavengers in South Africa's North-West and Gauteng provinces (Doctoral dissertation, University of Brighton).


Goodenough, A.E., Carpenter, W.S., MacTavish, L.,  MacTavish, D., Theron, C., Hart, A.G., 2018. Empirically testing the effectiveness of thermal imaging as a tool for identification of large mammals in the African bushveldt. Journal of African Ecology. 56(1): 51-62


Goodenough, A.E., Carpenter, W.S., MacTavish, L., Theron, C., Delbridge, M. and Hart, A.G., 2018. Identification of African antelope species: Using thermographic videos to test the efficacy of real‐time thermography. African Journal of Ecology, 56(4), pp.898-907.

Goodenough, A.E., Harrell, A.N., Keating, R.L., Rolfe, R.N., Stubbs, H., MacTavish, L. and Hart, A.G., 2017. Managing grassland for wildlife: the effects of rotational burning on tick presence and abundance in African savannah habitat. Wildlife Biology, 2017(4).


James, R.S., Scott, D.M., Yarnell, R.W. and Overall, A.D.J., 2017. Food availability and population structure: How do clumped and abundant sources of carrion affect the genetic diversity of the black‐backed jackal?. Journal of Zoology, 301(3), pp.184-192.


Phipps, L.W., Diekmann, M., MacTavish, L.M., Mendelsohn, J.M., Naidoo, V., Wolter, K., and Yarnell, R.W., 2017. Due South: A first assessment of the potential impacts of climate change on Cape vulture occurrence. Biological Conservation. 210:16-25.

Hart, A.G., Rolfe, R.N., Dandy, S., Stubbs, H., MacTavish, D., MacTavish, L. and Goodenough, A.E., 2015. Can handheld thermal imaging technology improve detection of poachers in African bushveldt?. PLoS One, 10(6), p.e0131584.


Phipps, W.L., 2015. Identifying drivers of Cape vulture (Gyps coprotheres) space use in southern Africa (Doctoral dissertation, Nottingham Trent University).


Yarnell, R.W., Phipps, W.L., Dell, S., MacTavish, L.M. and Scott, D.M., 2015. Evidence that vulture restaurants increase the local abundance of mammalian carnivores in South Africa. African journal of ecology, 53(3), pp.287-294.

Goodenough, A.E., Rolfe, R.N., MacTavish, L., Hart, A.G., 2014. The Role of Overseas Field Courses in Student Learning in the Biosciences. Bioscience Education.  


James, R., 2014. The population dynamics of the black-backed jackal (Canis mesomelas) in game farm ecosystems of South Africa (Doctoral dissertation, University of Brighton).


Pernetta, A.P., 2014. A disappearing drylands icon? White rhinoceros conservation and the need for public–private partnerships. Biodiversity, 15(2-3), pp.231-233.


Richmond-Coggan, L., 2014. Comparative abundance and ranging behaviour of brown hyaena (Parahyaena brunnea) inside and outside protected areas in South Africa (Doctoral dissertation, Nottingham Trent University).

Cain, M., Phillip, S., Ting, S.R., Gonzalez, L.M., Johnson, J. and Galy, E., 2013. An Exploration of Students' Experiences of Learning in an Online Primary Teacher Education Program. Journal of Online Learning & Teaching, 9(3).


Goodenough, A.E., MacTavish, L., Hart, A.G., 2013. Developing a Supportive Framework for Learning on Biosciences Field Courses through Video-Based Resources. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching.

Phipps, W.L., Willis, S.G., Wolter, K. & Naidoo, V., 2013. Foraging ranges of immature African white-backed vultures (Gyps africanus) and their use of protected areas in southern Africa. PLoS ONE 8, e52813.

Phipps, W.L., Wolter, K., Michael, M.D., MacTavish, L.M. and Yarnell, R.W., 2013. Do power lines and protected areas present a catch-22 situation for cape vultures (Gyps coprotheres)?. PLoS One, 8(10), p.e76794.

Yarnell, R.W., Phipps, W.L., Burgess, L.P., Ellis, J.A., Harrison, S.W., Dell, S., MacTavish, D., MacTavish, L.M. and Scott, D.M., 2013. The influence of large predators on the feeding ecology of two African mesocarnivores: the black-backed jackal and the brown hyaena. African Journal of Wildlife Research, 43(2), pp.155-166.

Yarnell, R.W. and MacTavish, L., 2013. A novel record of aardwolf Proteles cristata feeding behaviour. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa, 68(1), pp.81-82.


Phipps, W.L., 2012. Spatial patterns of land-use by Immature African white-backed vultures (Gyps africanus) captured in the North-West Province, South Africa (Masters dissertation, University of Pretoria).


Thorn, M., Green, M., Dalerum, F., Bateman, P.W. and Scott, D.M., 2012. What drives human–carnivore conflict in the North West Province of South Africa?. Biological Conservation, 150(1), pp.23-32.


Scott, Rott, James, Thorn, Yarnell, Richmond-Coggan, MacTavish and Phipps, 2011. Recycling services provided by South Africa’s scavengers. In   Landscape Ecology and Ecosystem Services. C. Young Eds.


Thorn, M., Green, M., Bateman, P.W., Cameron, E.Z., Yarnell, R.W. and Scott, D.M., 2010. Comparative efficacy of sign surveys, spotlighting and audio playbacks in a landscape-scale carnivore survey. African Journal of Wildlife Research, 40(1), pp.77-86.

Van der Merwe, I., Tambling, C.J., Thorn, M., Scott, D.M., Yarnell, R.W., Green, M., Cameron, E.Z. and Bateman, P.W., 2009. An assessment of diet overlap of two mesocarnivores in the North West Province, South Africa. African Zoology, 44(2), pp.288-291.


Yarnell, R.W., Metcalfe, D.J., Dunstone, N., Burnside, N. and Scott, D.M., 2008. The impact of fire on habitat use by the short-snouted elephant shrew (Elephantulus brachyrhynchus) in North West Province, South Africa. African Zoology, 43(1), pp.45-52.


Yarnell, R.W., Scott, D.M., Chimimba, C.T. and Metcalfe, D.J., 2007. Untangling the roles of fire, grazing and rainfall on small mammal communities in grassland ecosystems. Oecologia, 154(2), pp.387-402.


Yarnell, R. and Scott, D., 2006. Notes on the ecology of the short-snouted sengi ('Elephantulus brachyrhynchus') at a game ranch in North-west Province, South Africa. Afrotherian conservation: newsletter of the IUCN/SSC Afrotheria specialist group, (4), pp.2-4.


Yarnell, R.W., 2005. The effect of game ranch management on small mammal communities in a bushveld area of South Africa (Doctoral dissertation, University of Brighton).

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